Classes documents

CSS Classes to add on your Webflow buttons for Event Tracking.

Facebook Event Name: 'AddPaymentInfo'

Class Name: action-btn-pymt-001-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'Subscribe'

Class Name: action-btn-sub-002-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'Contact'

Class Name: action-btn-cntct-003-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'InitiateCheckout'

Class Name: action-btn-buy-004-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'AddToCart'

Class Name: action-btn-cart-005-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'AddToWishlist'

Class Name: action-btn-wl-006-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'CompleteRegistration'

Class Name: action-btn-reg-007-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'CustomizeProduct'

Class Name: action-btn-cstm-008-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'Donate'

Class Name: action-btn-don-009-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'Lead'

Class Name: action-btn-lead-011-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'StartTrial'

Class Name: action-btn-trial-012-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'SubmitApplication'

Class Name: action-btn-submit-013-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'Search'

Class Name: action-inpt-srch-014-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'FindLocation' (For the Find location Input Field)

Class Name: action-inpt-loc-016-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'FindLocation' (For the Find location Button)

Class Name: action-inpt-loc-017-pf

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Facebook Event Name: 'Purchase'

Class Name: action-btn-plc-ord-018-pf

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Additionnal Classes

For customized and more precise Event mapping.

Purchase Event (Name, Price, Quantity, Total amount)

1. Apply this class to the main container containing all the checkout items:


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2. Apply this to the container containing item information:


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3. Apply this to item name:


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4. Apply this to item price:


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5. Apply this to item quantity:


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6. Apply this to total amount:


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Note: for item price, name and quantity you must add a class to the main container that  contains items list and container containing item information.

Forms mapping (For: AddPaymentInfo, CompleteRegistration, Lead, StartTrial, Subscribe, Contact and SubmitApplication)

1. Apply this class to the form container or the Webflow form element:


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2. Apply this a value or price:

3. Apply this to the name input:


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4. Apply this to the email input:


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5. Apply this to the phone input:


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6. Apply this to the last name input:


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Note: if you are adding value classes for name, email etc. you must add necessary classes to container or form